Jumped into bed with Bing and started to run PPC ads this past week and a half.
To be honest it's been fun.
But Bing is hesitant to allow me to explore a little deeper and specific.
I'm trying to use a kw with "sex" in it and I receive an Error telling me I need to make an exception.
I explain that it's not pornographic or erotic, simply information.
Only to be denied...? My site isn't "adult" enough?
What's frustrating is, from what I've seen the only way to use "Explicit...
Using "Adult" KW with Innocent Product For Bing
Jumped into bed with Bing and started to run PPC ads this past week and a half.
To be honest it's been fun.
But Bing is hesitant to allow me to explore a little deeper and specific.
I'm trying to use a kw with "sex" in it and I receive an Error telling me I need to make an exception.
I explain that it's not pornographic or erotic, simply information.
Only to be denied...? My site isn't "adult" enough?
What's frustrating is, from what I've seen the only way to use "Explicit...
Using "Adult" KW with Innocent Product For Bing